2A.6 An Open Source Software Suite for Multi-dimensional Geoscience Data Computation and Visualization Combined With GIS Technology

Tuesday, 24 January 2017: 9:45 AM
608 (Washington State Convention Center )
Yaqiang Wang, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing, China

Handout (4.4 MB)

MeteoInfo Java software tools were developed for multi-dimensional geoscience data analysis and visualization. It includes a Java class library for software developing, a GIS desktop application for interactive data operation and a script environment, named MeteoInfoLab, for complex data analysis and visualization. Many popular geoscience data formats such as netCDF, HDF and GRIB were supported powered by Unidata Java netCDF library, also its multi-dimensional array model was used for data management and computation. Jython modules were developed base on MeteoInfo and netCDF Java library to provide abundant functions for data analysis and visualization in script environment. MeteoInfoLab functions are similar with Python libraries of NumPy and matplotlib, but it is more powerful for meteorological data analysis and plot with some special meteorological functions and MeteoInfo GIS library support. MeteoInfoLab has a simple and easy to be used GUI with the functions of script editor, command console, file and variable explorer and figure display. Add-on application and toolbox can be easily integrated into it. The software can be used in any operating systems with Java 7 or better preinstalled. It is open source and the code repository was managed in GitHub website.

Supplementary URL: http://www.meteothinker.com/

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