Monday, 23 January 2017
4E (Washington State Convention Center )
The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) series R, (GOES-R) launched in late 2016, will provide remote sensing data that represents significant advances over previous GOES missions. GOES-R will provide advanced products based on government-supplied algorithms that describe the state of the atmosphere, land, and oceans over the Western Hemisphere with twice the spatial resolution and three times the temporal sampling of current products. The Harris GOES-R Team has developed and delivered to NOAA a robust and flexible Ground System (GS) to produce and distribute these data products. This system is based on a flexible Service-Based Architecture (SBA) in a High Performance Computing (HPC) environment designed to generate the remote sensing products on very stringent timelines. Non-operational algorithm testing, algorithm anomaly resolution, and the design and development of algorithm enhancements is supported by a set of Algorithm Test Tools (ATT) that are compatible with the GS design. ATT provides a user-oriented framework that enables as-deployed pre-operational testing in a wide variety of computational environments prior to operational deployment. Here, we focus on the Level 2+ algorithms that use sensor data from the GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI). We give a comprehensive view of the ABI Level 2 products generated by the Ground System, with consideration for the operational configuration and the precedence chain. In addition, we provide a summary of the extensive pre-launch testing with real-time complex data streams that illustrate that the system meets key requirements for all products. Finally, we summarize the ABI algorithms, products, and preparation for near-term Post-Launch Testing and Calibration/Validation efforts.