Another Lightning Imaging Sensor is scheduled to be launched to the International Space Station (ISS-LIS) in late 2016. The first Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) is scheduled to launch on the GOES-R satellite in late 2016. We will briefly discuss topics that can be investigated by combining data from these new sensors with the TRMM-LIS and OTD climatology products. Because of the TRMM satellite's 35° inclination, our high-latitude data has thus far been limited to the ~5-year record from OTD. ISS-LIS (52° inclination, with lightning detection to 54°) will collect high latitude lightning data that can be used both to compare/contrast with the late 1990's OTD data, and to improve the sample size and decrease sample-related noise in the high-latitude part of the climatologies. GLM will provide continuous lightning measurements for parts of the Western Hemisphere, allowing a more thorough examination of uncertainties related to sampling from low earth orbit with the other sensors.