Tuesday, 24 January 2017
4E (Washington State Convention Center )
In this study, the environment of aggregated deep convection is investigated using a vector vorticity equation cloud-resolving model (VVM). Idealized experiments are performed under various environmental moisture with or without imposed vertical wind shear. Convective aggregation is then evaluated through diagnosing the 3-D size of an individual cloud from the model output using a six-connected segmentation method.
The aggregated convection is recognized by a distinct mode with larger size in the cloud size distribution. The results suggest that aggregated convection tends to develop when column relative humidity (CRH) is larger than 80% (67%) in non-shear (shear) cases. In addition, the degree of aggregation further increases with the increase of CRH. Analyses of precipitation distribution suggest that that the probability of extreme precipitation increases with the increase of aggregated convection. The favorable environment of aggregated convection can be used to improve convective parameterizations in large-scale models.