Wednesday, 25 January 2017: 5:15 PM
3AB (Washington State Convention Center )
The NOAA National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) is responsible for providing operational environmental satellite data and products in support of forecasts and warnings, environmental resource monitoring, and climate change observations. User requests for satellite products that support NESDIS responsibilities are evaluated by NESDIS and the product requirements are validated by each NOAA line office. After review and approval of the user request, the development to operations process begins. This includes determining that funding and personnel and resources exist for the full life cycle and verifying that the IT infrastructure required can be supported.
This presentation will describe new satellite products and satellite product enhancements that have recently transitioned to operations within NESDIS. Additionally, this presentation will describe products that are planned for operations in the near future and how capabilities are provided for continuity of operations when new satellites are declared operational.