Monday, 23 January 2017
4E (Washington State Convention Center )
In the next several years, the face of global environmental intelligence will be changing rapidly. A series of high-resolution geostationary Earth imaging sensors are being deployed with unprecedented spatial, spectral, and temporal resolution providing improved geostationary Earth observation on a global scale. In particular, we will present detailed visual results and capabilities of the Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI)/Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI)/Advanced Meteorological Imager (AMI) class of multispectral imagers. The impressive mix of the sensors’ reflective and emissive spectral bands inherently supports application of this technology to the science of meteorology, as well as provides higher quality and persistent imaging of the land and sea. A considerably higher temporal frequency, up to six times faster, of observations captured from geostationary platforms will provide near-real-time situational awareness. As deployments continue in the foreseeable future, the benefits will quickly expand in geographic coverage. These sensor systems will become significant tools for environmental situational awareness and monitoring to better inform our decision makers and policies concerning issues of societal impact. This poster illustrates opportunities for improved environmental intelligence monitoring of the whole Earth system, including examples of the atmosphere, hydrosphere/cryosphere, and lithosphere.