Thursday, 26 January 2017: 4:45 PM
Conference Center: Chelan 4 (Washington State Convention Center )
This paper provides an update on recently developed new observational capabilities for University of Wyoming King Air (UWKA). UWKA is a part of NSF supported Lower Atmosphere Observing Facilities (LAOF). Recently we have developed new airborne Raman lidars, 2-FOV Wyoming cloud lidar, and a new Ka-band precipitation radar (KPR). The Wyoming cloud radar has been significantly upgraded. The UWKA is evolving into a platform with integrated remote sensing and in-situ instruments capable of probing a wide variety of weather and climate processes. The combined multiple lidar and radar measurements together with the state-of-art in situ cloud probes makes UWKA a unique platform for cloud and precipitation study. The simultaneous measurements of aerosol, temperature, and water vapor from airborne Raman lidar transform UWKA into an effective platform for atmospheric boundary layer processes study, especially combined with various in situ measurements. Observation examples or case study will be presented to highlight these new observational capabilities. We are making effort to make UWKA more accessible for atmospheric chemistry study. As LAOF, such capabilities are available to the wide research community.