The NGGPS V&V team reviewed many different options for building the capabilities needed to support NGGPS through a unified software package. They decided to base the unified system on the existing Model Evaluation Tools (MET) package supported by DTC, along with its associated interactive web-based aggregation and visualization package METViewer. The unified system is called MET+, which reflects the use of MET and METViewer at the core with a set of flexible python-based scripts to wrap the system. The goal of the new system is to bring together critical existing capabilities into a single well-maintained and community supported package. The target for the first phase of this multi-year project is to replicate the functionality of the EMC Global Climate and Weather Modeling Branch (GCWMB) Verification pages to support the NGGPS mission. Then working from this base the focus will shift to other forecast scales and evaluation of the coupled global system (e.g. with Oceans, Waves, Hydro, Aerosols, etc) as defined by the other NGGPS teams and NCEP users. This presentation will provide an overview of the system, the development progress to date and examples from the initial system.