Tuesday, 24 January 2017
4E (Washington State Convention Center )
The multi-year reanalysis of remotely-sensed storms (MYRORSS) has been constructed by reprocessing 12 years of the WSR-88D level-II over the contiguous United States (CONUS) through the multi-radar, multi-sensor (MRMS) framework. The output from this analysis includes radar-based climatologies of hail, echo-tops, reflectivity at multiple altitudes and isothermal levels as well storm-based rotation and storm typing. Comparisons of lightning data with this rich data set can not only provide more insight into the relationship between lightning, radar, and near-storm environment, but also act as a quality-control and validation field as radar coverage is not uniform across the CONUS. Initial comparisons will focus on the relationship between echo-top and isothermal reflectivity climatologies and Vaisala NLDN cloud-to-ground data over the entire MYRORSS period. Earth Networks Total Lightning will also be compared for most recent year of the MYRORSS reanalysis.
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner