Tuesday, 24 January 2017
4E (Washington State Convention Center )
In this study the estimation of the rainfall drop size distribution parameter (median volume diameter, Do) and the rainfall rate R from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) precipitation radar (PR) for TRMM overpasses over the Darwin site during the passage of tropical cyclones (TCs) are examined. Using the horizontal radar reflectivity (Zh) and the differential reflectivity (Zdr), the Do and R from the CPOL ground radar (GR) for the respective TRMM overpass events over Darwin are derived. These are then used as the ground truth to compare with the Do and R estimated from the PR. The study also considers non-TC events to ascertain the estimation of Do and R from the PR for different storm systems. The accuracy of PR in retrieving Do and R over ocean and land and for different precipitation types (convective and stratiform) is also examined.