We conducted a benchmarking experiment to establish predictability expectations for 1-12 month horizon wind and solar resource anomalies. In our study, we selected a set of ten representative sites from North America, Europe, and Asia with sufficient data records in order to test the methodologies and their regional performance variations. We first constructed 35-year (1980-2014) reference time series for the wind or solar power resource at each location using global reanalysis data from the ERA-Interim and NASA MERRA-2 data sets, dynamically downscaled with the WRF numerical weather prediction model. Our target variable was an index defined by the ratio of the monthly-mean resource to the 35-year mean for that month. As candidate predictors, we selected 15 observed teleconnection indices and their lags, 6 forecast teleconnection indices from the NOAA SST Linear Inverse Model, and ensemble-mean point forecasts of the wind or solar resource from the System 4 ECMWF Seasonal forecast.
We evaluated forecast performance both as a standard regression problem and as a 2-class problem with above and below normal categories. A range of statistical algorithms were tested, including linear and logistic regression, k-nearest neighbors, support vector machines, and tree-based models. The forecasts were expressed as probabilities for each class and performance was scored using standard contingency table metrics summarized by the area under the ROC curve (AUC). Higher skill was observed for solar sites compared to wind sites, and for 3-month rolling mean periods (JFM, FMA, … DJF) compared to single months. We segregated statistics by the time of year and noted when the forecasts have relatively more skill than for the whole. As a result of this exercise, Vaisala delivers seasonal forecasts for wind and solar projects along with context from the historical performance of each method, so that customers know when and where anomalous wind and solar resource conditions are likely.