Tuesday, 24 January 2017: 4:45 PM
308 (Washington State Convention Center )
The COMET® Program is introducing more offerings and materials that support university earth science classrooms, especially at middle and upper levels, to fulfill its strategic goal of increasing support to UCAR member universities and the overall atmospheric science community. During the Fall semesters of 2015 and 2016, the University of Oklahoma in partnership with COMET® implemented a suite of online modules, laboratory materials, and widgets specifically designed to enhance student learning of upper-division synoptic meteorology weather analysis principles. The instructional tools supported traditional synoptic meteorology classroom materials and yielded resources that students could utilize to further their academic educational experience. This presentation provides an overview of the COMET® synoptic weather analysis meteorology tools and how they were integrated within a traditional classroom supporting upper-division students including blended and flipped classroom approaches.