Here, we focus on the transition in the vertical scaling behavior between isotropic and anisotropic large-scale turbulent processes over the Southern Appalachians as representative of Middle Mountains and in contrast with the High-Mountain Andes. The vertical structure of zonal wind kinetic energy (KE) spectra produced by WRF is studied for multiple simulations in the Southern Appalachian Mountains under weak (9-12, July 2012) and strong (12-16, May 2014) synoptic forcing for grid spacing in the range of 15 km to 0.25 km with two different microphysics schemes and four planetary boundary layer parameterizations. The results show that for the sub-kilometer grid spacing the lower layers exhibit Kolmogorov and Corrsin-Obukhov -5/3 scaling, while the higher levels approach Bolgiano-Obhukov scaling. However, at 1.25 km grid spacing, the scaling behavior at low levels exhibits a slope flatter than -5/3 that is unphysical, indicative of aliasing of small scales. Higher levels show a scaling behavior similar to the convective/non-convective transition identified by Nogueira and Barros (2015) approaching Bolgiano-Obhukov scaling. Further, it is shown that the scaling behavior of variables such as heat and moisture flux, temperature and mixing ratio statistics, and energy spectra are affected differently by grid resolution, which should have important implications for the effective implementation of “scale-aware” parameterizations. Changes in PBL parameterization result in distinctive complex vertical scaling behavior that exhibits a diurnal cycle at lower levels (< 2,000 m) in the troposphere at large scales (meso-α and larger) and up to mid-levels (< 5,000m) at small scales (meso-β and meso-γ). Topography, surface roughness, diurnal heating and cooling, and thermal stratification, and the direction of weather propagation influence the vertical scaling behavior of the horizontal velocity.
Therefore, a comprehensive analysis and scaling of flow behavior conditional on stability regime for both KE and moist processes (total water, cloud water, rainfall) is necessary to elucidate scale-interactions among different processes in the model for different grid spacing, grid geometry, and mesoscale forcing toward identifying the effective model resolution, that is the scale at which generalized scaling behavior is reproduced.
Nogueira, M., and A. P. Barros (2014), The nonconvective/convective structural transition in stochastic scaling of atmospheric fields, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, 13,771–13,794, doi:10.1002/2014JD022548.