Wednesday, 25 January 2017
4E (Washington State Convention Center )
Drought indices are commonly used for detecting and quantifying drought spells. However, a index with multiple time scale and applicability in different regions is scarce. In this study, K drought index on daily time scale is devised based on a existing monthly K index according to accumulative and attenuation effect of disaster-inducing factor. The daily K index is presented on two forms: one is based on linear attenuation effect (Kl) and the other based on exponential damping (Ke). Monitoring effects of these two forms of daily K index are compared in Southern China. The results show that: (1) For time series variation of drought on special observe station, Kl has smaller amplitude of variation than that of Ke when drought is developing while Kl indicates less reduction of drought level than that of Ke when light precipitation is appearing. (2) Statistical calculations of unreasonable jump points for both K index forms demonstrate that Kl is more suitable in middle-northern part of southern China though both K index forms are feasible in south part of southern China. In all, the research suggests Kl as a great daily drought index due to its excellent monitoring effects in southern China.