242 Satellite Foundation Course for GOES-R: GOES-R (ABI) & Himawari (AHI) Prep

Monday, 23 January 2017
4E (Washington State Convention Center )
Bill Ward, NWS, Honolulu, HI

The Satellite Training Advisory Team (STAT) Science Operations Officers (SOO) are developing a GOES-R Prep Course with the SSD Chiefs.  This course will be held at the NWSTC and aimed to be a “train the trainer” for the NWS and NCEP Offices/Centers SOOs/DOHs or a satellite focal point if a SOO or DOH is unavailable.  This course will be taught during the period of November 2016 through spring 2017 and will focus on the basic 16 Channels of GOES-R/S and Himawari satellite data as well as RGB and Operational Considerations using D2D.  The course will immerse the students in satellite data using a satellite applications tool created by CIMSS for the Pacific Region.  Students will also engage in an AWIPS2 lab where they will interpret advanced multispectral imagery to identify relevant phenomena for solving forecast problems by manipulating color curves, and developing procedures using derived satellite products.
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner