Wednesday, 25 January 2017: 10:45 AM
Conference Center: Chelan 5 (Washington State Convention Center )
The National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) has completed an effort to make all its weather and climate digital holdings discoverable. The Master Archive Collection Inventory project re-inventory over 800 digital collections, standardized product titles and updated collection-level metadata to discovery level using ISO 19115-2 standard. Additionally new collection and granule metadata standards were developed and applied to historical data in order to improve discoverability via the NOAA OneStop Project whose purpose is to improve discoverability of all NOAA data. The updated metadata are available for use by NCEI discovery tools such as OneStop and for retrieval by other aggregators, increasing the discoverability of historical data and products. This presentation will introduce OneStop, discuss the metadata standards and tools and present the unique efforts to assist and encourage the completion of metadata records such as training, Metadata Hack-a-Thons and crowdsourcing