Wednesday, 25 January 2017: 1:45 PM
Conference Center: Chelan 5 (Washington State Convention Center )
Research information metrics are becoming an important part of the services that many libraries provide. The UCAR/NCAR Library has been increasing the extent of its information metrics services in the past few years. This presentation will discuss recent metrics initiatives and service developments. In the past year, the Library’s metrics services have supported organizational needs in relation to site visits by the National Science Foundation (NCAR’s primary funding agency), supporting the onboarding of the new UCAR president, and supporting individual requests by individual researchers. In addition, we have made progress toward an implementation of a “metrics dashboard” that would provide an expanded set of interfaces and query tools for research administrators or researchers to investigate metrics questions. The focus of this “dashboard” concept is to bring together a mixture of metrics data sources to support new questions from diverse stakeholders. Currently, our approach encompasses metrics from our Library’s OpenSky repository and other UCAR metrics sources, as well as external sources such as the Web of Science / InCites, CrossRef, and ORCID. These metrics services and technical tools are critical to our organization’s understanding of internal activities and of our collaborations with external university members.