Sunday, 22 January 2017
4E (Washington State Convention Center )
Spectral tracing analysis is a useful lightning research method. Previous studies have conducted spectral tracing analyses on cloud-to-ground lightning return strokes using a spectrometer. However, to date, no known spectral tracing analysis has been conducted on intracloud lightning return strokes. As such, not much is currently known about the physical properties of intracloud lightning return channels, or of cloud-based return channel endpoints. In an effort to understand the physical behavior of intracloud lightning, we have utilized Nikon, Canon, and Lumix cameras, along with diffraction gratings and Lightning Bug IR sensors, to acquire intracloud return stroke photographs. In this poster, we present our findings from spectral tracings of our acquired intracloud return stroke photographs, the results of the analyses of which are often used to determine the chemical composition, temperature, and inductance of the return stroke pathways sampled. Acquiring this information will allow us to compare the properties of intracloud lightning to those of cloud-to-ground return strokes.