S53 The Tale of the Three Supercells

Sunday, 22 January 2017
4E (Washington State Convention Center )
Janae N Elkins, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS

December 23, 2015: The Tale of the Three Supercells

Janae Elkins

Jackson State University


National Weather Service Memphis, Tennessee

On December 23, 2015, three supercells tracked across the Mid-South and resulted in vastly different outcomes. One supercell produced two long-track tornadoes, and EF3 and EF4 that caused numerous causalities, another produced an EF1 tornado and a third produced nothing according to the Memphis Forecast Office service area. To help explain differences, an investigation of the environmental data and radar signatures. Analyzing the radar data every volume scan to determine the rotational velocity, as well as any unique reflectivity and dual-pol signatures that could be clues to different outcome. The goal was to recognize or determine what caused the third supercell to produce nothing and find any new data that wasn't previously recorded.

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner