Changes in Carbon Dioxide Concentration and Flux Over a Large Southern Inland Water Body
Inland lakes and reservoirs are major contributors to the global carbon cycle. It is important to understand how much carbon they emit as well as any significant changes in carbon emissions. Eddy covariance flux tower located in the Ross Barnett Reservoir (RBR) in Ridgeland, MS was used to measure carbon dioxide (CO₂) concentrations, CO2 fluxes, and components of the surface inland lakes and reservoirs are major contributors to the global carbon cycle. It is important to understand how much carbon they emit as well as any significant changes in carbon emissions. Eddy covariance flux tower located in the Ross Barnett Reservoir (RBR) in Ridgeland, MS was used to measure carbon dioxide (CO₂) concentrations, CO2 fluxes, and components of the surface energy budget.