Panel Discussion 2 International Weather Service Information

Tuesday, 24 January 2017: 1:30 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Center: Yakima 1 (Washington State Convention Center )
Host: Fifth Symposium on the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise
Laura Furgione, NWS, Deputy Director for National Weather Service, Silver Spring, MD
Linda Makuleni, South African Weather Service (SAWS), Department of Environment Affairs, Pretoria; David Grimes, MSC, Ottawa, ON; Qu Ya, Chinese Meteorological Services Association, Beijing and Peter Lennox, MetService, Wellington

This series of four invited talks provides updates on international weather services.

1:30 PM
Linda Makuleni, South African Weather Service (SAWS), Pretoria, South Africa

1:30 PM
David Grimes, MSC, Ottawa, ON, Canada

1:30 PM
Qu Ya, Chinese Meteorological Services Association, Beijing, China
1:30 PM
Peter Lennox, MetService, Wellington, New Zealand

1:30 PM
Challenges and Opportunities in an Ever-Changing Context: Experiences of the Argentina Met Service - Celeste Saulo
1:30 PM
Martis Remarks - Albert Martis
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner