In light of profound global implications of the strong El Nino/La Nina signal in the past two years and ever-warmth of our globe, we will gather scientists and decision makers in the Asian countries/regions, such as China, India, Japan, Korea, Singapore, etc. to discuss the issues and challenges they are facing. The townhall discussions could be of interest and informative to U.S. scientists, government employees, policy makers, and U.S. business community. We intend to invite chairs/leaders of meteorological society from these countries/regions to discuss the following issues: 1) what issues (e.g., natural hazards and environmental challenges) are they dealing with arising from climate change and variability? 2) what advancement of science and technologies are in place to mitigate these peril futures? 3) what scientific program(s) are they implementing or planning? 4) are there international common interests and potential collaboration opportunities between U.S. and international community?