Session 6A Conversations with Professionals

Saturday, 21 January 2017: 1:35 PM-3:45 PM
Conference Center: Tahoma 3/4 (Washington State Convention Center )
Host: 16th Annual AMS Student Conference
Harold Brooks, OAR/NSSL, Norman, OK

Stretch your mind by learning about the wide variety of careers in meteorology and related fields. In this session, you’ll have an opportunity to meet with professionals in small-group settings and discuss their jobs. This is a great opportunity to ask questions and have discussions with top professionals! Note: Each rotation will consist of a 20-minute discussion period followed by a 7-minute transition period (5 discussions). Rotation 1: 1:35p - 1:55p Rotation 2: 2:02p - 2:22p Rotation 3: 2:29p - 2:49p Rotation 4: 2:56p - 3:16p Rotation 5: 3:23p - 3:43p

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner