Saturday, 21 January 2017: 10:25 AM-11:10 AM
Conference Center: Chelan 2 (Washington State Convention Center )
Host: 16th Annual AMS Student Conference
Brian D'Agostino, Sempra Energy, San Diego, CA; Jamison Hawkins, Lockheed Martin, Information Systems and Global Services, Greenbelt, MD; Sylvie Lorsolo, AIR Worldwide, Research and Modeling, Boston, MA; Valerie Sanders, WeatherCall Services, LLC, Parker, CO and Tim Johnston, Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety, Tampa, FL
Elizabeth Lennartson, University of Iowa, Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, Ames, IA
You’ll get a chance to attend two unique panels during this breakout session, which are designed to highlight a range of careers in meteorology based on your skills and interests. You will have a chance to ask professionals how they got their jobs, what they do, and what you can do now to prepare yourself to follow in their footsteps. Note: Each rotation will consist of a 45-minute discussion period followed by a 5-minute transition period (2 discussions). Rotation 1: 10:25am - 11:10am Rotation 2: 11:15am - 12:00pm

See more of: 16th Annual AMS Student Conference