16th Biometeorology and Aerobiology

Session 3B

 Winter Synoptic Biometeorology (parallel with session 3A)
 Chair: G. McGregor, University of Birmingham, Birmingham United Kingdom
1:30 PM3B.1A synoptic climatological approach to the identification of January temperature anomalies in the United States  
Melissa L. Malin, Center for Climatic Research, Newark, DE; and K. L. Frank, S. Quiring, R. Boutillier, and L. Kalkstein
1:45 PM3B.2A Synoptic Climatology of Low-Sun Precipitation in the Southeastern United States and Its Relationship to Teleconnections and Potential Biotic Impacts  
Jason Senkbeil, Kent State University, Kent, OH
2:00 PM3B.3An Automated Synoptic typing Procedure to Predict Freezing Rain: An Application to Ottawa, Ontario  extended abstract wrf recording
Chad Shouquan Cheng, MSCL, Environment Canada, Downsview, ON, Canada; and H. Auld, G. Li, J. Klaassen, B. Tugwood, and Q. Li
2:15 PM3B.4Winter classification of air masses and weather types for the forecasting of hospital admissions for myocardial infarction in Florence, Italy  extended abstract
Marco Morabito, University of Florence, Florence, Italy; and D. Grifoni, S. Orlandini, L. Cecchi, P. Modesti, A. Crisci, G. Maracchi, and G. Gensini

Wednesday, 25 August 2004: 1:30 PM-2:30 PM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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