Session 3.5 Observational Study of Turbulence Spectra for Joint Urban 2003

Monday, 23 August 2004: 11:30 AM
Sam S. Chang, US Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, MD; and G. D. Huynh, C. L. Klipp, C. C. Williamson, D. M. Garvey, and Y. Wang

Presentation PDF (295.8 kB)

The Joint Urban 2003 field campaign was a cooperative undertaking to study turbulent transport and dispersion in the atmospheric boundary layer in an urban environment and took place in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, during July 2003. The Army Research Laboratory deployed a number of measurement devices including an array of sonic anemometers mounted on five meteorological towers at a variety of sites around the city. The large amount of sonic anemometer data has undergone quality control screening and has been processed for tilt correction in preparation for turbulence studies.

This presentation focuses on the turbulence spectra characteristics in the urban canopy. Significant effects on the spectral peak wavelengths due to the presence of buildings are discussed in a comparison of the u, v, and w spectra from the different locations.

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