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At the same time, UNSW has developed a strong sustainability profile in its teaching, research and campus operations, including the promotion of synergies between environmental learning and the learning environment as represented by the campus itself. For example, there is growing interest within the UNSW Faculty of the Built Environment in the topic of roof gardens, with the Universitys own predominantly flat rooftops seen as potential case studies for teaching and learning.
This research utilises a high-resolution (0.5-10 metre) computer model to simulate the microclimatic effects of a proposed major redevelopment affecting a 30,000 square metre section of campus, with and without the introduction of vegetation (where structurally feasible) on the rooftops of planned and existing buildings and infrastructure.
The site includes the Universitys main pedestrian plaza, several current and proposed multi-storey buildings, outdoor eating and grassed passive recreation areas, and paved car parking space. The simulation models the climatic conditions of a typical Sydney summer day.
The findings are evaluated in relation to both outdoor thermal comfort and building performance. Additional environmental aspects of roof greening are discussed, and the implications considered from the perspective of connecting teaching and research with the physical fabric and operation of the campus, to address both academic and corporate environmental management goals.