Session 4.6 Comparison of energy impact of Heat Island Reduction Strategies between Tokyo and Houston

Monday, 23 August 2004: 2:30 PM
Akira Urano, LBNL, Berkeley, CA; and H. Akbari

Presentation PDF (187.7 kB)

In previous studies, researchers have quantified the effect of Heat Island Reduction (HIR) strategies such as reflective roofs, reflective pavements, and urban vegetation on heating and cooling energy use in several U.S. cities. We calculated the annual energy savings, peak power avoidance and annual CO2 reduction of HIR strategies in Tokyo, Japan and compared with Huston, Texas. In this analysis, we focused on four building types that offer most savings potential: single-family residence, multi-family residence (in Tokyo only), office, and retail store. Prototypical building characteristics for each building type were defined, and the effects of HIR strategies on building cooling and heating energy use and peak power demand were simulated, using the DOE-2.1E model. The effects of difference in the U.S buildings and Japanese buildings on Energy use were compared in detail. We then calculated total roof area of air-conditioned buildings in each city using readily obtainable data and GIS (Geographic Information System) data to estimate the metropolitan-wide impact of HIR strategies. The effects of distribution of building type on HIR strategies are also discussed.
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