Session 7 |
| integrated modeling/measurement systems for emissions and air quality predictions (Parallel with Joint Sessions J3 & J4) |
| Organizer: Nelson Seaman, Penn State Ulniversity, University Park, PA
| 9:00 AM | 7.1 | The Australian Air Quality Forecasting System—a review of photochemical smog forecasting capability Martin E. Cope, CSIRO, Aspendale, Vic, Australia; and G. D. Hess, S. Lee, P. C. Mannis, K. Puri, K. J. Tory, and M. Young |
| 9:15 AM | 7.2 | North Carolina's Integrated Air Quality and Meteorological Monitoring Networks Michael Abraczinskas, North Carolina Department of Environment & Natural Resources, Raleigh, NC; and G. Bridgers and J. White |
|  | 7.3 | Development of an Automated Statistical Air Quality Forecasting System Timothy S. Dye, Sonoma Technology, Inc., Petaluma, CA; and D. S. Miller and C. P. MacDonald |
| 9:29 AM | 7.4 | An Integrated Forecasting System for Ozone Predictions in Tennessee Qi Mao, Tennessee Valley Authority, Muscle Shoals, AL; and S. F. Mueller |
| 9:44 AM | | Coffee Break
|  | 7.5 | Ozone Forecasting Tool Development for Several U.S. Cities Dianne S. Miller, Sonoma Technology, Inc., Petaluma, CA; and T. S. Dye and C. P. MacDonald |
| 10:28 AM | 7.6 | Evaluation of the MM5 with CASTNet Data for High Ozone Season over the Eastern United States Jia-Yeong Ku, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany, NY; and W. Hao, G. Sistla, D. L. Zhang, and W. Zhang |
|  | 7.7 | An examination of MM5 based Meteorological Data in Modeling a High-Ozone Episode Jia-Yeong Ku, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany, NY; and K. Kebschull, J. Galbraith, M. Majeed, J. Desimore, and G. Sistla |
| 10:42 AM | 7.8 | Assessing the Impacts of Prescribed Burning Activities Robert J. Paine, ENSR Corporation, Westford, MA; and D. W. Heinold |
| 10:57 AM | 7.9 | Measurement and Modeling of Ammonia Flux and Dry deposition Velocity from near–Surface Concentration Gradient Measurement Over Natural Surfaces in North Carolina Sharon B. Phillips, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC; and S. P. Arya and V. P. Aneja |
| 11:12 AM | | Lunch Break