25th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology

Poster Session 1

 Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
 P1.1The Correlation Between Surface Temperature and Monthly Sums of Precipitation on the growth and Yeild of Yellow Lupine  
Zbigniew Szwejkowski, Warmia & Mazury University, Olsztyn, Poland; and T. Bieniaszewski and G. Fordonski
 P1.2A new model for estimating chill accumulation requirements for crops and natural tree species  extended abstract
Carla Cesaraccio, CNR, Sassari, Italy; and R. L. Snyder, D. Spano, and P. Duce
 P1.3Effects of turbulence-induced light fluctuations on photosynthesis in alfalfa  extended abstract
Gengsheng Zhang, Utah State University, Logan, UT; and L. E. Hipps
 P1.4Estimating evapotranspiration over a rice paddy using satellite thermal-infrared temperatures combined with a heat budget model  extended abstract
Dai Matsushima, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
 P1.5The Scalar Budget of Turbulence Flow Across A Forest Edge: Using A Large Eddy Simulation (LES)  extended abstract
Nanami Momma, University of California, Davis, CA; and R. H. Shaw, K. T. Paw U, and B. Yang
 P1.6Pheromone Fate and Transport in Forest Canopies  extended abstract
Tara Strand, Washington State University, Pullman, WA; and B. Lamb, G. Allwine, H. Peterson, H. Thistle, E. Holsten, and P. Shea
 P1.7Modelling daily snowmelt in a forest and clearcut  extended abstract
David L. Spittlehouse, British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Victoria, BC, Canada; and R. D. Winkler
 P1.8Sap flow and transpiration of old lodgepole pine trees  extended abstract
David L. Spittlehouse, British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Victoria, BC, Canada
 P1.9Long-term continuous measurements of soil CO2 concentration and soil respiration in deciduous forests  
Takashi Hirano, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan; and H. Kim
 P1.10Small-scale spatial variability of soil moisture in a mid-latitude deciduous forest  
Laura Ciasto, Colorado State University, Bloomington, IN; and A. J. Oliphant, C. S. B. Grimmond, K. Corbin, and H. P. Schmid
 P1.11The Charcteristics of Albedo in aHinoki (Chamaecyparis obtusa Endl.) Forest with extremly high density  
Koji Tamai, Forestry & Forest Products Research Institute, Kyoto, Japan
 P1.12Advection of carbon dioxide in a tall forest  extended abstract
Young-San Park, University of California, Davis, CA; and N. Momma, K. T. Paw U, M. Falk, and M. J. Schroeder
 P1.13Carbon and energy exchanges at three boreal forest sites in the BERMS study region in 2000 and 2001  extended abstract
J. Harry McCaughey, Queen's University, Kingston, ON, Canada; and A. G. Barr, T. A. Black, Z. Nesic, K. Morgenstern, T. Griffis, and D. Gaumont-Guay
 P1.14Carbon and water fluxes over Scots pine forest and clearing  
�llar Rannik, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; and N. Altimir, J. Raittila, T. Suni, A. Gaman, P. Keronen, F. Berninger, T. Vesala, P. Hari, and M. Kulmala
 P1.15Carbon flux from early post-fire successional forests in Saskatchewan  extended abstract
Brian D. Amiro, Canadian Forest Service, Edmonton, AB, Canada
 P1.16Evaluation of a simple method to estimate surface heat fluxes for a midwestern deciduous forest, USA  extended abstract
L. Ciasto, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO; and C. S. B. Grimmond, H. N. Zutter, A. J. Oliphant, H. B. Su, and H. P. Schmid
 P1.16AConvective boundary layer development over a midlatitude deciduous forest (Formerly Paper Number 7.4)  extended abstract
H. N. Zutter, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN; and C. S. B. Grimmond, A. J. Oliphant, H. P. Schmid, H. B. Su, and L. Ciasto
 P1.17GIS-based urban forest ecosystem analysis for quantifying air quality improvement in Baton Rouge, Louisiana  
Kamran K. Abdollahi, Urban Forestry Program, Southern University and A&M, Baton Rouge, LA; and Z. H. Ning, F. Namwamba, and A. V. Appeaning
 P1.18The detailed model of nonstationary energy and matter transport and turbulence in inhomogeneous forest and in atmospheric boundary layer over it  extended abstract
Gennady Menzhulin, Center for International Environmental Cooperation of Russian Academy of Sciences, St.Petersburg, Russia; and A. F. Sogachev
Domingo F. Rasilla, Univ. de Cantabria, Santander, Spain; and C. Diego, V. Carracedo, and J. C. Garc�a-Codron
P1.20A Screening-Level Assessment of Air-Surface Exchange of Mercury Vapor Over Some Terrestrial Landscapes: Results from Environmental and Statistical Models  
Ioannis X. Tsiros, Agricultural University of Athens, Athens, Greece; and Y. Dimopoulos and A. Kamoutsis
 P1.21Gas dispersion trials: a surface area source enclosed by a windbreak  extended abstract
John D. Wilson, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada; and T. K. Flesch and B. P. Crenna
 P1.22A study of block averaging versus recursive filters to computing scalar eddy covariances near the surface  extended abstract
Mikhail S. Pekour, ANL, Argonne, IL; and M. L. Wesely, T. J. Martin, and D. R. Cook
 P1.23Field evaluation of passive samplers and deposition velocity for NO2  extended abstract
Shannon Watt, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada; and C. Wagner-Riddle and G. C. Edwards
 P1.24Evaluation of stochastic simulation methods for generating meteorological data using GIS  
Isaac Moradi Sr., Tehran University, Karaj, Tehran, Iran
P1.25The Combined Effect of Micrometeorological Parameters and the Growth Regulator Paclobutrazol on Gardenia Plants (Gardenia jasminoides Ellis)   
Athanasios Kamoutsis, Agricultural University of Athens, Athens, Greece; and I. Tsiros, A. Matsoukis, and Y. Dimopoulos
 P1.26Representation of the canopy conductance in modelling the surface energy budget  
Reinder J. Ronda, Wageningen University, Wageningen, Netherlands; and A. F. G. Jacobs, B. A. A. Holtslag, and H. A. R. de Bruin
P1.27Light-trapping of insects depending on the height of tropopause  
J�nos Pusk�s, Berzsenyi College, Szombathely, Hungary; and L. Nowinszky
 P1.28Observations of the similarity theory stability correction terms for momentum and temperature, psim and psih over agricultural fields and forests  
Peter L. Finkelstein, NOAA/ARL, Research Triangle Park, NC

Wednesday, 22 May 2002: 3:30 PM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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