|  | 6.3 | Influence of advection from a clearcut on eddy covariance fluxes over a forest canopy Anandakumar Karipot, University of Georgia, Griffin, GA; and M. Y. Leclerc, G. Starr, K. L. Clark, T. Martin, and H. L. Gholz |
| 8:58 AM | 6.4 | Carbon dioxide exchange characteristics above a spruce forest Bodo Wichura, University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany; and N. Buchmann and T. Foken |
| 9:13 AM | 6.5 | Temporal and Spatial Variations of soil CO2 in a Temperate Forest with Shallow soil A. Christopher Oishi, Yale Univ., New Haven, CT; and X. Lee |
| 9:28 AM | 6.6 | Comparing carbon dioxide and energy fluxes from mature and clear-cut West Coast Douglas-fir forests Elyn R. Humphreys, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada; and T. A. Black, K. Morgenstern, G. B. Drewitt, and Z. Nesic |
| 9:43 AM | 6.7 | Eddy covariance and chamber measurements of carbon dioxide fluxes from the forest floor of a closed-canopy Douglas-fir forest Gordon Drewitt, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada; and E. R. Humphreys, T. A. Black, G. Ethier, Z. Nesic, K. Morgenstern, and M. D. Novak |
| 9:58 AM | | Coffee Break
| 10:28 AM | 6.8 | Meteorological and Ecophysiological controls on the Carbon Balances of three old Growth Boreal Forest Timothy J. Griffis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada; and A. Black, K. Morgenstern, G. B. Drewitt, D. Gaumont-Guay, E. R. Humphreys, A. G. Barr, Z. Nesic, E. H. Hogg, and J. H. McCaughey |
| 10:43 AM | 6.9 | Spectral characteristics of surface layer turbulence above sites of varying surface structure derived from FLUXNET monitoring data Kai Morgenstern, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada; and D. D. Baldocchi, A. G. Barr, D. P. Billesbach, T. A. Black, K. J. Davis, M. Falk, M. L. Fischer, A. H. Goldstein, A. Ibrom, G. Katul, J. H. McCaughey, and K. T. Paw U |
| 10:58 AM | 6.10 | Spectral Analyses of Long-Term Measurements of Turbulent Exchange over Two Mixed Hardwood Forests Hong-Bing Su, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN; and H. P. Schmid, C. S. B. Grimmond, C. S. Vogel, and A. J. Oliphant |
| 11:13 AM | 6.11 | The role of cloud cover in net ecosystem exchange of CO2 over two mid-western mixed hardwood forests Andrew J. Oliphant, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN; and H. P. Schmid, C. S. B. Grimmond, H. B. Su, S. Scott, and C. Vogel |
| 11:28 AM | 6.12 | On Spatial Varability of Biophysical Factors and Its Influence on Measured Net Ecosystems Exchange over Forest H. P. Schmid, Research Center Karlsruhe, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany; and A. J. Oliphant, C. A. Wayson, and J. C. Randolph |
| 11:43 AM | | Lunch Break