2400 Perimeter Park Dr., Suite 100
Morrisville, NC
USA 27560
Dr. Jacobs directs the research and development of both the tropospheric airborne meteorological data reporting system (TAMDAR), as well as the numerical models run by Panasonic. His areas of expertise include mesoscale dynamics, numerical weather prediction, and data assimilation. He is the chair of the American Meteorological Society’s Forecast Improvement Group, and also serves on the World Meteorological Organization’s (WMO) aircraft-based observing systems expert team. Prior to joining Panasonic (AirDat) in 2005, Dr. Jacobs worked on various analysis and modeling projects including NASA's Earth Systems Science Program, GOES satellite imagery, Department of Energy's Ocean Margins Program, and the National Weather Service's Atlantic Surface Cyclone Intensification Index. He has a BS in mathematics and a BS in physics from the University of South Carolina, a MS in air-sea interaction from North Carolina State University, and a PhD in numerical modeling from North Carolina State University.
Paper:9 Environmental Data Paradigm: The Future of Foundational Weather Data that Drives the Enterprise
Neil Jacobs