Wednesday, 27 March 2019: 10:50 AM
Auditorium (AAAS Building)
Brad Colman, Bayer Crop Sciences - The Climate Corporation, Seattle, WA
Dr. Colman is the Director of Weather Strategy for The Climate Corporation. In this role, he oversees and guides the design and execution of the Bayer & Climate Enterprise weather programs. As such, he coordinates across multiple business units to set Enterprise priorities and then works closely with vendors, engineers, and scientists to map out the optimal course necessary to meet these priorities. The program spans across global weather stations, data acquisition and validation, data repository architecture and dissemination, and domain expertise. Central to this effort is Brad’s close collaboration with The Climate Corporation’s Weather Science Team (a team of statisticians, machine learners, and atmospheric scientists), which develops unique weather, climate, and decision support information for the global agricultural industry. Before Climate, Brad worked for nearly two years on a Microsoft team chartered to grow a new Microsoft consumer weather service to serve the entire Microsoft ecosystem.
Prior to joining the private sector, Brad enjoyed a long and diverse career with NOAA where he worked at: The National Weather Service’s forecast office in Seattle Washington; NOAA’s Environmental Research Laboratory in Boulder, Colorado; and was the Acting Director of NOAA’s Meteorological Development Laboratory in Silver Spring, Maryland. Brad is an Affiliate Associate Professor in Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Washington.
Brad holds a Sc.D. in Atmospheric Sciences from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a B.S. in Earth Sciences and Mathematics from Montana State University. He has published numerous articles in the scientific journals, written several book chapters, and has co-edited an award winning two-volume handbook on Weather, Climate and Water published by Wiley Press. He is a member and Fellow of the American Meteorological Society (AMS), and has served in a number of different roles within the Society. Brad is a member of the Washington State Academy of Sciences and is currently Co-Chair of NOAA’s Science Advisory Board’s Environmental Information Services Working Group.

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