14th Symp on Education


Investigating the chemical properties of Milky Stream in the Bob Marshall Wilderness Area in Montana

Timothy Howell, State College High School and AERA, State College, PA; and K. McPherson, M. Selzer, and R. Shaak

During the summer of 2004, eleven high school students from Central Pennsylvania conducted a holistic analysis of the Dearborn river and its tributaries. A preliminary survey of the area indicated that most of the streams displayed similar properties with one exception, Milky Stream. Milky Stream showed characteristics of turbidity, discoloration, and significant sediment buildup on the bottom of the stream channel. A study was designed to collect data and ascertain the unique chemical characteristics of Milky Stream as compared to other Dearborn River tributaries. Five study sights along Milky Stream were chosen due to their distance from the mouth of the stream and their relevant topography. In addition, chemical studies were compiled to determine if any of these streams had an influence on the Dearborn River. Tests and instruments to measure rate of stream flow and stream chemistry were employed in the south flowing Milky Stream, and other similar tributaries, both south and north flowing. The stream chemistry tests were conducted in order to determine the vitality of the streams and river. These factors are important in determining whether or not the streams and river are capable of supporting life. We also assessed stream vitality through a study of the macroinvertebrates in the Dearborn River and Milky Stream. Observed stream properties will then be subdivided into five study areas: (1) stream chemistry, (2) stream buffering systems, (3) macroinvertebrate study, (4) Hardness, and (5) rate of stream flow. The results from this study will be presented in conjunction with other investigations in poster format.

extended abstract  Extended Abstract (408K)

Poster Session 1, Education and Outreach Initiatives
Sunday, 9 January 2005, 5:00 PM-5:00 PM

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