14th Symp on Education


The educational activities of the Royal Meteorological Society

J. Malcolm Walker, Royal Meteorological Society, Reading, United Kingdom

The Royal Meteorological Society first took an interest in meteorological education in the 1870s and has continued to do so ever since. This presentation will provide an overview of the Society’s educational work over the years, with particular reference to the past decade, during which the internet has been exploited increasingly as a major means of delivering educational material and interactive projects. It will also review the Society’s strategic vision for its involvement in meteorological education in the coming years.

The presentation will provide information about the Society’s current educational services and activities, which are directed largely towards the needs of school teachers and their students, with not a little reference to the national curricula of the United Kingdom. It will also consider the educational role of a meteorological society in the early 21st century and show that many of the basic principles which underpinned the Society’s educational work two decades ago are still as valid now as they were then, but the delivery is now very different, not only because of the increasing use of the World Wide Web but also because of developments in continuing professional development for school teachers.

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Poster Session 1, Education and Outreach Initiatives
Sunday, 9 January 2005, 5:00 PM-5:00 PM

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