2nd Symposium on Space Weather


Space situation awareness environmental effects fusion system (SEEFS)

Maj David T. Lawyer, HQ AFSPC/DRCC, Peterson AFB, CO; and M. K. J. Hand and L. C. S. J. Higley

Currently, environmental support to space systems and missions has been focused on general environmental impacts and is often irrelevant and outdated.  SEEFS will provide a capability to process, merge, and predict relevant environmental data with space system performance parameters to objectively assess system impacts in near-real time.  SEEFS will have the capability to objectively assess and predict environmental effects on satellite communications, satellite operations, surveillance, missile warning, and missile defense radar operations, and Global Positioning Satellite (GPS)-aided systems.  This project began 4-6 months ago and will continue through FY05 directly supporting SSA Command and Control (C2) modernization initiatives. 

SEEFS will directly support Air Force Space Command’s goal for achieving Space Situation Awareness (SSA) and a more accurate Space Common Operating Picture (Space COP) supporting the Single Integrated Space Picture (SISP).  For Defensive Counterspace (DCS), SEEFS would improve the capabilities of operators, analysts, system engineers, weather support personnel, and decision makers, to distinguish natural from hostile or unintentional space system effects (e.g. support to the Rapid Attack, Identification, and Detection Reporting System (RAIDRS)).  Additionally, SEEFS would also enable mitigation of actual or predicted environmental effects on DCS operations.  For Offensive Counterspace (OCS), SEEFS capabilities would enable mitigation or exploitation of actual or predicted environmental conditions as a force multiplier for OCS operations.  To the maximum extent possible, SEEFS will provide the Space Air Operations Center, Combatant Commander’s, and Command and Control (C2) components with pertinent information to assess overall environmental conditions related to space operations, determine environmentally related operational impacts and plan for space control Courses of Action (COAs).   


Session 1, Aspects of Space Weather that have an element of commonality with terrestrial weather applications.
Tuesday, 11 January 2005, 8:30 AM-5:30 PM

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