2nd Symposium on Space Weather

Session 1

 Aspects of Space Weather that have an element of commonality with terrestrial weather applications.
 Organizers: Robert McCoy, Office of Naval Research, Arlington, VA; Genene Fisher, AMS, Washington, DC; Joseph Kunches, NOAA/Space Environment Center, Boulder, CO; Richard Behnke, NSF, Arlington, VA
8:45 AM1.1aIntegrating Space Weather Services into NWS Operations  
Louis W. Uccellini, NOAA/NWS/NCEP, Camp Springs, MD
9:15 AM1.2Space Weather Services at NOAA/SEC: Update  
Ernest Hildner, NOAA/OAR, Boulder, CO
9:30 AM1.3Air Force Space Command: Space weather for the Warfighter  
Maj David T. Lawyer, HQ AFSPC/DRCC, Peterson AFB, CO; and C. H. D. Baird, M. K. J. Hand, and M. E. C. Sorbo
9:45 AM1.4Space Weather Training In the National Weather Service  
Barbara Poppe, NOAA/Space Environment Center, Boulder, CO
10:00 AMFormal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break  
11:15 AM1.5Space Weather Training at COMET  extended abstract wrf recording
Dolores Kiessling, UCAR/COMET, Boulder, CO
11:30 AM1.6Science Communication Efforts in Space Weather: Benefits and Challenges of the "Weather" Analogy   wrf recording
Cherilynn Ann Morrow, Space Science Institute, Boulder, CO; and J. Harold and P. Dusenbery
11:45 AM1.7Impacts to Electric Power Grid Infrastructures From the Violent Sun-Earth Connection Events of October-November 2003  
John G. Kappenman, Metatech Corp., Duluth, MN
12:00 PM1.8Integrating Space Weather information into global aviation operations  
J Bryn L Jones, SolarMetrics Limited, Guildford, Surrey, United Kingdom; and R. H. A. Iles and M. J. Smith
12:15 PM1.9Space situation awareness environmental effects fusion system (SEEFS)  
Maj David T. Lawyer, HQ AFSPC/DRCC, Peterson AFB, CO; and M. K. J. Hand and L. C. S. J. Higley
12:30 PMLunch Break  
1:45 PM1.10The STEREO Mission: a new approach to space weather  extended abstract wrf recording
Michael L. Kaiser, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD
2:00 PM1.11COSMIC—A Satellite Constellation for Atmospheric Soundings from 800 km to Earth’s Surface  extended abstract wrf recording
Christian Rocken, UCAR, Boulder, CO; and W. S. Schreiner, S. Syndergaard, and D. C. Hunt
2:15 PM1.12DASI: Distributed arrays of small instruments for space weather research  extended abstract wrf recording
John C. Foster, MIT Haystack Observatory, Westford, MA
2:30 PM1.13Space environment data from NOAA satellites and its importance to decision makers  
Howard J Singer, NOAA, Boulder, CO
2:45 PM1.14Towards a Distributed Network of Automated Low-Light Atmospheric Imagers  
Mark C. Beaubien, Yankee Environmental Systems, Inc., Turners Falls, MA; and T. Pederson, W. Q. Jeffries, and E. T. Griffin
3:00 PM1.15Evidence for space weather affecting tropospheric weather and climate   wrf recording
Brian A. Tinsley, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson,, Texas
3:15 PMCoffee Break  
3:45 PM1.16Greenhouse cooling: A manifestation of global change in the upper atmosphere  
Rashid A. Akmaev, CIRES/Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO
4:00 PM1.17Diagnostic Analysis of Solar Variation Impact on the Lower Atmosphere  extended abstract wrf recording
Alfred M. Powell Jr., NOAA/NESDIS, Camp Springs, MD; and M. Chen
4:15 PM1.18NOGAPS-ALPHA: A prototype high-altitude version of the Navy’s global numerical weather prediction model  
Stephen Eckermann, NRL, Washington, DC; and J. P. McCormack, L. Coy, D. Allen, T. F. Hogan, Y. J. Kim, and D. E. Siskind
4:30 PM1.19Global forecasts of thermospheric gravity wave activity as generated from tropospheric sources: an overview of the FOREGRATS model with application to the prediction of equatorial spread-F  extended abstract
Timothy J. Kane, Penn State University, University Park, PA; and A. J. Gerrard and A. Hassiotis
4:45 PM1.20Methods and Experiences in Data Assimilation for Global Ionosphere Monitoring and Forecast  
Chunming Wang, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA; and G. A. Hajj, X. Pi, I. G. Rosen, and B. Wilson
5:00 PM1.21Recursive estimation and variational strategies in space data assimilation  
Farzad Kamalabadi, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL
5:15 PM1.22Global assimilation of ionospheric measurements (GAIM): An operational space weather model   wrf recording
Robert W. Schunk, Utah State University, Logan, UT; and L. Scherliess, J. J. Sojka, and D. C. Thompson
5:30 PM1.23Spatially constrained Kalman filtering for data assimilation  
Oscar Barrero Mendoza, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; and J. Chandrasekhar, D. S. Bernstein, B. De Moor, and A. Ridley

Tuesday, 11 January 2005: 8:30 AM-5:30 PM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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