Precipitation and temperature related climate indices for Canada
Éva Mekis, MSC, Toronto, ON, Canada; and L. A. Vincent
As of today 54 different annual and seasonal, rain, snow and total precipitation and 56 annual and seasonal minimum, mean and maximum temperature related climate change indicators are computed and analysed for the periods 1900-2003 and 1950-2003 using the Adjusted Historical Canadian Climate Database (AHCCD) developed at Climate Research Branch, Toronto. The methodology to compute the indices follows the guidelines provided in the European Climate Assessment (ECA) project, and additional indicators were added to describe the major climate characteristics of Canada. After a brief summary of the trends computed for both intervals, the temporal and spatial characteristics of the most significant indices will be discussed. Relations between the precipitation and temperature indicators are studied further. For examples, the annual total snowfall amount has been decreased which is in agreement with the decreasing trend in the number of frost days in most regions. The ratio of snowfall to total precipitation also displayed significantly decreasing trends during the last half of the century. Relations between the wet days, maximum consecutive dry days, Simple Day Intensity Index (SDII), growing season length and growing degree days are further explored. Examples from different climate regions will also be provided.
Session 1, Observed Climate Change: 1(parallel with Session 2)
Monday, 10 January 2005, 1:30 PM-5:30 PM
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