Sixth Conference on Coastal Atmospheric and Oceanic Prediction and Processes


Utilizing the New Jersey sea breeze as an alternative energy source

Louis A. Bowers, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ; and R. Dunk, J. F. Brodie, M. E. Linkin, C. A. Rhodes, and M. E. Papier

The sea breeze circulation (SBC) that forms along the coast of New Jersey is one of the primary microclimate circulations that affect the state. The sea breeze front caused by the SBC propagates inland and can affect a good portion of the state. Radar and satellite data have detected the sea breeze front extending into and beyond Philadelphia. The sea breeze circulation is at times responsible for strong thunderstorms and strong onshore winds, which can generate large amounts of energy. Other coastal communities, such as Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts and Long Island, New York have projects in the developmental stages to utilize the power generated by coastal winds. If the sea breeze circulation can provide an alternative energy source to the New Jersey coastal communities, the energy problems seen during the July 4th holiday weekend of 2003 could be reduced, if not alleviated. Wind data from various monitoring stations along with modeling simulations associated with the New Jersey coast and offshore buoys spanning several years have been analyzed to determine the feasibility of placing offshore wind turbines to generate power along the coast.

Poster Session 1, Poster Session P1: Formal Viewing
Tuesday, 11 January 2005, 9:45 AM-11:00 AM

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