Sixth Conference on Coastal Atmospheric and Oceanic Prediction and Processes

Poster Session 1

 Poster Session P1: Formal Viewing
 P1.1Modeling upwelling with a coupled Atmosphere-Ocean mesoscale model  extended abstract
Joćo P. Ferreira, Instituto de Meteorologia, Lisbon, Portugal; and P. M. A. Miranda
 P1.2Turbulence surface fluxes in the cloudy marine atmospheric boundary layer near the coast  
John Kalogiros, National Observatory of Athens, Athens, Greece; and Q. Wang, S. R. Ramp, G. Buzorius, and H. Jonsson
 P1.3Analysis of wind stress algorithms and computation of the the wind stress curl in Bodega Bay, California  extended abstract
Adam Kochanski, DRI, Reno, NV; and D. Koracin and C. E. Dorman
 P1.4Utilizing the New Jersey sea breeze as an alternative energy source  
Louis A. Bowers, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ; and R. Dunk, J. F. Brodie, M. E. Linkin, C. A. Rhodes, and M. E. Papier
 P1.5A Multiseason Comparison Study of the Forecast Skill among Three Numerical Models over the South-central United States  
Duanjun Lu, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS; and L. D. White and R. S. Reddy
 P1.6Large-scale atmospheric circulation associated with northwesterly surface wind along the Central and Southern California coasts  
Stephen V. Taylor, SIO/Univ. of California and Hydrologic Research Center, La Jolla, CA; and N. E. Graham, D. R. Cayan, and K. P. Georgakakos
 P1.7Planning forecasts for the coastal and offshore air quality measurement activities for the ICARTT summer 2004 campaign  extended abstract
James P. Koermer, Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH; and J. Zabransky, E. Hoffman, T. Bray, R. Cloutier, J. Cordeira, M. DiProfio, A. Loconto, and M. Wellman
 P1.8The NOAA Coastal Storms Initiative WRF Modeling Project: Year 2: improving the local model  
Patrick T. Welsh, NOAA/NWSFO, Jacksonville, FL
 P1.9An Extreme Event Analysis for the Portuguese Coast - Coupling of Atmospheric and Oceanographic Features  
Alvaro Semedo, NPS, Monterey, CA; and W. A. Nuss and T. H. C. Herbers
 P1.10Observations of coastal upwelling off the coast of the South Atlantic Bight in summer of 2003: An application of NASA’s remote sensing data to coastal studies  
Dongliang Yuan, GES DISC DAAC, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771, Greenbelt, Maryland; and A. Savtchenko and C. Li
 P1.11Verification study: Modeling the evolution and structure of nocturnal stratocumulus during DYCOMS-II  extended abstract
Ramesh K. Vellore, DRI, Reno, NV; and D. Koracin, M. Wetzel, and J. G. Powers
 P1.12High resolution marine wind retrieval using synthetic aperture radar  
Richard E. Danielson, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada; and H. Ritchie, M. Dowd, and L. Fillion

Tuesday, 11 January 2005: 9:45 AM-11:00 AM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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