8th Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography


Arctic Straits: a high resolution model study


Yevgeny Aksenov, Southampton Oceanography Centre, Southampton, Hampshire, United Kingdom; and S. Bacon and A. Coward

The simulations of the volume transport through the major straits connecting Arctic to the World Ocean with the aim to assess the seasonal and interannual variability were performed. We made use of the high-resolution global coupled sea ice-ocean model. The model was forced with the both six-hourly and monthly-averaged wind stress from NCEP reanalyses 1984-2000.

We discuss the impact of the model resolution and the frequency of the wind forcing on the simulated variability. We also analyse the effect of sea ice on the transport through the straits. The volume transport timeseries for the period 1984-2000 exhibits statistically significant variations of the annual mean. The comparison of the results to the available observations is carried out, in particular the recent change in the Fram Strait circulation is addressed.

Session 4, The Polar Oceans (Circulations)
Tuesday, 11 January 2005, 1:30 PM-2:30 PM

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