2nd Symposium on Lidar Atmospheric Applications


Monitoring of air motion using lidar and video observations

Thomas D. Wilkerson, Space Dynamics Laboratory, North Logan, UT; and S. Cornelsen, G. K. Schwemmer, and M. Anderson

This paper reports progress in the analysis of cloud and aerosol imagery obtained by backscatter lidar and cloud video records. The purpose is to measure wind speed and direction in altitude regions containing clouds and aerosols. The goal is to make such measurements as automated as possible and to provide full time coverage. Participating organizations are NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center (HARLIE lidar and SkyCam cloud video) and the Space Dynamics Laboratory (development and application of data analysis). Six measurement campaigns were conducted during 1999 – 2002, including IHOP-2002. The unique feature of the HARLIE lidar is its conical scan with the laser transmission and receiver field of view automatically co-aligned on the rotation axis. Conically scanned lidar data are analyzed in several ways, the newest being an automated method based on a sinusoidal Hough transform. Vertical profiles of horizontal winds are compared with data obtained by radiosonde and Doppler lidar. Analysis of cloud video records is also automated, using the AROL-2 lidar (SDL) and a dedicated digital camera system. Results include examples of passive detection of multilayered clouds, and time-dependent observations of the dispersion and transport of aerosols from chemical releases and plumes of roadway dust. Research support by the Integrated Project Office of NPOESS, NASA-Goddard, Dugway Proving Ground, US Army Research Office and the Space Dynamics Laboratory is gratefully acknowledged.

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Session 1, emerging lidar methods in addressing atmospheric issues
Monday, 10 January 2005, 9:00 AM-11:15 AM

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