National Weather Service Management Information Retrieval System Online Map Gallery and Interactive Map Viewer
John P Kozimor, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD
The Management Information Retrieval System (MIRS) is a web-enabled database system designed to provide National Weather Service (NWS) management and staff ready access to a wide array of systems acquisition, operations, and maintenance data through a centralized web portal. MIRS has a flexible interface that will enable NWS personnel to view and interact with data sets via custom forms, reports, and maps. The focus of this paper is the MIRS mapping, or geographic information system (GIS), module. Through the MIRS Internet Map Portal users have access to an extensive map catalogue consisting of over 600 maps. These maps are maintained and updated by the MIRS group, and can be viewed in jpeg or pdf formats. In addition to the static map catalogue, several interactive map sites are under development. These sites provide the user with tools to selectively view, query, access, and interact with MIRS data layers. In the following presentation the static and interactive modules of the MIRS Map Portal will be explored, and illustrated with screen captures, and a live demonstration.
Poster Session 2, IIPS Poster Session II
Wednesday, 12 January 2005, 2:30 PM-4:00 PM
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