21st International Conference on Interactive Information Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology

Poster Session 2

 IIPS Poster Session II
 Cochairs: Stephen M. Holt, Mitretek Systems, Falls Church, VA; Scott T. Shipley, Raytheon Information Solutions, Upper Marlboro, MD
 P2.1Applying OpenGIS Consortium standards to environmental observations and display  
Gerald J Creager, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
 P2.2The Meteorological And Range Safety Support (MARSS) system: a GIS-based tool for launch area hazard prediction and visualization  extended abstract
Stephen L. Arnold, ENSCO, Inc., Santa Maria, CA; and A. V. Dianic and E. G. Magnuson
 P2.3A Prototype Interactive GIS Delivery System for Disseminating Statistically Downscaled Climate Change Scenarios, Variability and Extremes in Atlantic Canada.  
Gary S. Lines, MSC, Dartmouth, NS, Canada; and M. Pancura
 P2.4National Weather Service Management Information Retrieval System Online Map Gallery and Interactive Map Viewer  
John P Kozimor, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD
 P2.5Using IDL as an unique approach for an automated weather forecast website  
Ann L. Mazuk, The Aerospace Corporation, Los Angeles, CA; and L. O. Belsma, A. T. Stier, and A. A. Fote
 P2.6Using a web browser for environmental and climate change studies  extended abstract
T. Dale Bess, NASA/LRC, Hampton, VA; and P. Stackhouse, D. Mangosing, and G. L. Smith
 P2.7Supplying distributions of historic climate data via the WWW  
Catherine A. Smith, NOAA/CIRES, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO
 P2.8Quantitative Precipitation Forecast (QPF) as a Foundation for a Systematic Methodology in GFE  extended abstract
Carven A. Scott, NOAA/NWSFO, Anchorage, AK; and V. J. Proton, J. Nelson, S. Baines, and C. Eldred
 P2.9A Metadata Integrated Data Analysis Server (MIDAS): Enhancements and Updates  extended abstract
Yujie Zhao, George Mason Univ., Fairfax, VA; and R. Yang and M. Kafatos
 P2.10Internet Meteorology: Increasing efficiency with cost-effective approaches  extended abstract
Eric D. Luebehusen, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/CPC, Washington, DC
 P2.11Implementation of the Operational Automated Coral Bleaching E-mail Alert System  extended abstract
Jillian E. Wemmer, Science and Technology Corporation, Suitland, MD; and K. Sprietzer, L. Zhao, and J. Sapper
 P2.12Examples of GFESuite and D2D Use in Operations During 2004  extended abstract
William F. Roberts, NOAA/ERL/FSL, Boulder, CO; and L. K. Cheatwood
 P2.13Collaborative activities of the NWS MDL and NSSL to improve and develop new severe weather warning guidance applications  extended abstract
Gregory J. Stumpf, CIMMS/Univ. of Oklahoma/NOAA/NWS, Norman, OK; and S. B. Smith and K. E. Kelleher
 Paper 2.14 has been moved to Session 8, new paper number 8.3A  
 P2.14aThe Galileo weather processing and display system (Formerly Paper number 8.3)  
Kenneth Reeves, AccuWeather, Inc., State College, PA; and M. Steinberg and A. Shaw
 P2.15A Component Interface to netCDF  
J. Walter Larson, ANL, Argonne, IL; and E. T. Ong and B. Norris
 Paper P2.16 has been moved to Session 16, New Paper Number 16.1a  
 P2.17Technology Changes in AWIPS  
Timothy Hopkins, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD; and D. Rhine and C. S. Bullock
 P2.18AWIPS interdependencies  
Franz Zichy, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD; and J. Barna and T. Hopkins
 P2.19Atovs awips bufr encoder and decoder  extended abstract
Awdhesh K. Sharma, NOAA/NESDIS, Suitland, MD; and T. Yu
P2.20Nowcasting at KMA with non-NEXRAD Radars  
Scott D O'Donnell, NOAA/NWS/MDL, CIRA, Boulder, CO; and S. H. Cheong, D. S. N. Oh, F. Moeng, S. B. Smith, and M. T. Filiaggi
 P2.22Reconstruction of gridded model data received via NOAAport  extended abstract
Lloyd A. Treinish, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY; and A. P. Praino and C. Tashman
 P2.23SBN/NOAAPort Expansion  
Philip G. Cragg, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD; and L. Klet
 P2.24Recent and near-future enhancements to the NOAAPort product suite  
Brian Gockel, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD
 P2.25Recent advances in the FSL Central Facility Data Systems  extended abstract
Robert C. Lipschutz, NOAA/ERL/FSL, Boulder, CO; and C. H. MacDermaid
 P2.26The DEOS Interactive Visualization and Analysis System (DIVAS) prototype  extended abstract
Tracy L. DeLiberty, University of Delaware, Newark, DE; and D. R. Legates, L. L. Parrish, D. J. Leathers, and G. E. Quelch
 P2.27The graphical severe weather warning initiative at the Fort Worth National Weather Service  extended abstract
William Bunting, NOAA/NWS, Fort Worth, TX; and L. Bucklew, P. Kirkwood, and S. Rae
 P2.28Dissemination of critical weather warnings using reverse 911 technology  
Richard T Jesuroga, NOAA/ERL/FSL, Boulder, CO; and D. R. B. Chadwick, D. A. E. MacDonald, U. H. Grote, and C. Golden
 P2.29Video Hurricane Local Statement  
Dennis Feltgen, NOAA/NWSFO, Key West, FL; and A. Devanas
 P2.30Weather forecast uncertainty management and display  extended abstract
Randy J. Lefevre, ApMet, Albuquerque, NM; and J. Pfautz and K. Jones
 P2.31Value of one-minute data in an operational mesonet  extended abstract
James Finney, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS; and L. D. White
 P2.32The Development of Real-time Airborne and Dropwindsonde Data Acquisition System on Laptops  extended abstract
Po-Hsiung Lin, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan; and Y. H. Chen and C. C. Wu
 Paper P2.33 has been moved to Session 18, new paper number 18.15A  
 P2.34ECMWF 45-Year Reanalysis Data from NCAR  extended abstract
Joseph L. Comeaux II, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and S. J. Worley
 P2.35Assessing the Human Experience of Climate: Development of the Climate Adjective Rating Scale (CARS)  extended abstract
Alan E. Stewart, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
 P2.36Assessing Human Dimensions of Weather and Climate Salience  extended abstract
Alan E. Stewart, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
P2.37Assessing the Human Experience of Climate: Development of the Climate Adjective Rating Scale (CARS)  
Alan E. Stewart, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
 P2.38Build Four of NOAA's NWS Weather Event Simulator  extended abstract
Michael A. Magsig, CIMMS/Univ. of Oklahoma and NOAA/NWS, Norman, OK; and N. M. Said, N. Levit, and X. Yu
 P2.39Architecture of MADIS data processing and distribution at FSL  extended abstract
Christopher H. MacDermaid, NOAA/ERL/FSL, Boulder, CO; and R. C. Lipschutz, P. Hildreth, R. A. Ryan, A. B. Stanley, M. F. Barth, and P. A. Miller
 P2.40The Use of Satellite Water Vapor Imagery and Model Data to Diagnose and Forecast Turbulent Mountain Waves  extended abstract
Nathan Uhlenbrock, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and S. Ackerman, W. Feltz, T. Whittaker, B. Sharman, K. M. Bedka, and L. Gumley
 P2.41Atmospheric Sciences and Climate Applications Using HDF and HDF5  extended abstract
MuQun Yang, National Center for Supercomputing Applications and Univ. of Illinois, Champaign, IL; and R. McGrath E. and M. Folk
 P2.42HDF5—A High Performance data Format for Earth Science  extended abstract
MuQun Yang, National Center for Supercomputing Applications and Univ. of Illinois, Champaign, IL; and R. E. McGrath and M. Folk
 P2.43Thermal Effluent Pattern Analysis Discharged from Nuclear Power Plant Using Airborne and Satellite Remote Sensing Image Data (Formerly paper number 13.9)  
JongGyu Han, KIGAM-Korea Institute of Geoscience & Mineral Resources, Daejeon, South Korea; and K. Chi and Y. Yeon
 P2.44Discovering Webservices through the NOAA Webservice Registry (Formerly Paper Number 16.1)  
Eugene F. Burger, NOAA/PMEL and Univ. of Washington/JISAO, Seattle, WA; and A. N. Keane, E. A. Kihn, and M. W. Govett

Wednesday, 12 January 2005: 2:30 PM-4:00 PM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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