Recent advances in the FSL Central Facility Data Systems
Robert C. Lipschutz, NOAA/ERL/FSL, Boulder, CO; and C. H. MacDermaid
Recent Advances in the FSL Central Facility Data Systems
Robert C. Lipschutz* and Chris MacDermaid*
NOAA Research-Forecast Systems Laboratory Boulder, Colorado *[In collaboration with the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA), Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado]
Real-time data processing systems within the NOAA Forecast Systems Laboratory (FSL) Central Facility continue to evolve to better serve the FSL research and development community as well the many collaborators outside FSL. These systems acquire large volumes of conventional and experimental meteorological data from numerous sources. The systems also provide a variety of data handling services, including format translation, real-time local access, external distribution, and long-term storage for case review.
As a provider of operational backup data sets to the National Weather Service, FSL's main goal has always been system reliability. Recently, we have begun configuring pairs of real-time systems using High-Availability Linux tools that provide automatic failover in case of system failures. This arrangement, while relatively simple to implement, has greatly improved our support to the NWS, as well as to the general FSL user base.
In addition, we continue to expand the functionality of the Central Facility Object Data System (ODS) software that has, over the last couple years, provided robust and generic methods for handling a variety of data types, including Gridded Binary (GRIB), WSR-88D Level-II radar, and GOES Variable (GVAR).
In this paper, we review the current state of the Central Facility real-time systems, describing our use of High-Availability Linux, ODS, and other prominent technologies, and outline our plans for the future.
Corresponding author: Bob Lipschutz NOAA Forecast Systems Laboratory R/FST 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80303
Phone: 303-497-6987 FAX: 303-497-7259
e-mail: Robert.C.Lipschutz@noaa.gov
Poster Session 2, IIPS Poster Session II
Wednesday, 12 January 2005, 2:30 PM-4:00 PM
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