21st International Conference on Interactive Information Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology


Recent and near-future enhancements to the NOAAPort product suite

Brian Gockel, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD

NOAAPort (i.e., the NOAA/NWS Satellite Broadcast Network (SBN)) provides a one-way point to multi-point broadcast of NOAA hydrometeorological data and products, in near-real time, to NOAA and its private industry partners. Satellite (GOES), radar (WSR-88D), and NCEP numerical model grids collectively comprise the vast imagery of the NOAAPort product volume, although the complete product suite includes numerous additional data types.

A number of NOAAPort improvement projects are enabling the network’s product suite to be expanded. The main improvement projects include: upgrade to higher capacity Linux uplink servers (completed), transition to DVB-s (underway), and total-bandwidth expansion (planned for Spring 2005). Increasing use of standardized compression techniques, on the principal components of the NOAAPort product suite, is providing for more efficient use of the network. Collectively, these improvements have paved the way for significant enhancements to the NOAAPort suite. Major product additions were implemented in 2004, including 12km resolution gridded DGEX and Eta model products (over the CONUS and Alaska regions). The product suite will be further modernized in 2005.

This paper summarizes the main NOAAPort product additions that were completed in 2004, and describes plans for product additions in 2005. Allocation of products among network “channels” is summarized, as are the status and plans for the transition from GRIB1 to GRIB2.

The products selected for addition to the NOAAPort suite are primarily intended to meet the needs of users at NWS WFOs, RFCs, and National Centers. Nevertheless, it is expected that NOAA’s private industry partners will also benefit from the network’s augmented product suite.

Poster Session 2, IIPS Poster Session II
Wednesday, 12 January 2005, 2:30 PM-4:00 PM

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