21st International Conference on Interactive Information Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology


Discovering Webservices through the NOAA Webservice Registry (Formerly Paper Number 16.1)

Eugene F. Burger, NOAA/PMEL and Univ. of Washington/JISAO, Seattle, WA; and A. N. Keane, E. A. Kihn, and M. W. Govett

This paper describes the development of a NOAA Webservice Registry to serve as a directory or locator for UDDI webservices throughout NOAA. Data and service providers in NOAA are developing webservices as a solution to their data exchange requirements, and these webservices are providing an elegant solution to many of NOAA’s data access challenges. However, webservices, unlike web pages, are not “linked” to one another, neither are they usually human readable, making it challenging to publicize these webservices. As webservices become more common in NOAA, there is an increasing need for registry services including the ability to browse and search for existing webservices.

A webservice registry is a server based technology that offers a mechanism for humans or software applications to advertise and discover webservices. The Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) protocol creates a standard interoperable platform that allows applications to dynamically find webservices. This paper will discuss the type of webservice registry we installed and what information is available from the registry. We will also show methods and methods to poll the registry and what the result set of a registry query would look like.

Poster Session 2, IIPS Poster Session II
Wednesday, 12 January 2005, 2:30 PM-4:00 PM

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