14th Symp on Education


Teaching of Meteorology to Non- Science Majors using Real-Time Datastream, Integrated Data Viewer and Interactive Technologies.

Elen Cutrim, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI; and R. Nogueira and J. Mitchell

Interactive PowerPoint Flashcards were implemented to teach meteorology to a large classroom of non-science majors. This was used as a tool to promote an open-ended inquiry learning environment. This technique was instrumental in identifying and addressing misconceptions about meteorological phenomena. Using Integrated Data Viewer, Unidata-based real-time satellite and radar images, surface and upper-air analyses and forecast model maps were presented at the beginning of each class to increase student awareness of weather; to reinforce lecture material, such as imaging interpretation; and to initiate class discussion. The long-term goal is to augment student perception of the atmospheric environment in order to enhance student ability to apply this knowledge to decision-making in everyday life. Syllabus and lecture outlines are available online to help students follow the course progress, even when absent from class. The textbook provides tutorials online for concept reinforcement and includes a CD for visualization of atmospheric physical processes. The laboratory instruction was based on a hybrid approach, using traditional lab manuals and 20 PCs for hands-on exercises using IDV as tool and data resource, DLESE products, and VGEE learning activities. Student group project PowerPoint-based presentations utilize the NWS/COMET Case Study Library. This study is supported by the NSF grant # 0202923 and will continue for one more year.

Poster Session 1, Education and Outreach Initiatives
Sunday, 9 January 2005, 5:00 PM-5:00 PM

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