Space Environmental Impacts Tool (SEIT™)
Michael R. Heer, ARINC Engineering Services, LLC, Colorado Springs, CO; and A. J. Heineman, J. K. Hay, and J. W. Dettler
ARINC has developed an interactive software application tool that correlates space weather phenomena and impacts to Department of Defense (DoD) satellites, communications, and navigation systems. The Space Environmental Impacts Tool (SEIT™) links various solar and geophysical events to their effects on operational ground and space-based systems. Solar and ionospheric forecasters, researchers, and system operators can quickly identify systems that could be severely impacted or degraded due to harmful solar flares or geomagnetic storms affecting the Earth.
SEIT™ interactive features include: · Tutorials (utilizing embedded animations and video) · Explanations of solar phenomena or space weather events · Specific examples of impacts to space or ground based systems
SEIT™ easily interfaces with a variety of software programs and communications platforms, such as user Satellite Tool Kit (STK) applications and Command and Control (C2) functions.
Poster Session 1, Space Weather Poster Session
Tuesday, 11 January 2005, 9:45 AM-9:45 AM
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