2nd Symposium on Space Weather


Space and Terrestrial Weather Systems - Life-Extension, Modernization, and Component-Obsolescence Programs

Michael R. Heer, ARINC Engineering Services, LLC, Colorado Springs, CO; and J. L. Justice and A. F. Heineman

Weather system managers are challenged with extending the life of aging systems in the face of tightening acquisition budgets. ARINC has effectively modeled several weather systems using our product RAPTOR™ to accurately identify problem areas and effectively focus sustainment efforts for cost effective solutions, maximizing support dollars.

ARINC is working with the U.S. Air Force Weather Agency (AFWA) and the sustainment agency for AFWA, the Space and Missile System Center (SMC) to perform several life-extension and obsolescence studies on existing space weather systems. Systems include the Radio Interference Measuring Set (RIMS), Radio Solar Telescope Network (RSTN), Solar Observing Optical Network (SOON), and the Ionospheric Measuring System (IMS), which are used by a variety of forecast and data centers for national space environmental products and warning support.

Our analysis and studies provide solid recommendations to replace, upgrade, or sustain the systems as mission needs and requirements dictate. We address such issues as:

· Will the parts or products being acquired meet specified performance and applicable form and fit requirements?

· How can total ownership cost be reduced over the expected—and extended—life of these products?

· What are viable alternatives when the established supply chain cannot provide required parts?

Poster Session 1, Space Weather Poster Session
Tuesday, 11 January 2005, 9:45 AM-9:45 AM

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